Baby came a bit early!

Samantha • 23 years young | Married 💍 | And excited about my little bean on the way👶🏽
Well, my water broke at 36W5D because my blood pressure was high.Got to the hospital at 8pm, got admitted, when I reached 4cm they started me on pitocin so I chose to get an epidural to avoid harsh contractions lol.which then dropped my blood pressure and I had to get out on oxygen.I was contracting before and they were uncomfortable but I was able to handle it, being told it was gonna get worse cause of the pitocin, I chose to avoid it lol.Anyway, come 2pm I was dilated to a 6-7, and about 20 min later I told the nurse I really had to poop 😂 (I'm a FTM) she checked me and yelled "ooh baby's coming time to push!) so I pushed and pushed and my little princess was born at 2:52pm, weighing only 4lbs 4oz, 17 inches long.She was considered a preemie and because she was so tiny and was weighing so little and having trouble with her temperature, she had to stay in the NICU for 4 days.But she's doing great and both my husband and I love her with all our hearts!!