Hello everyone

chogu✌ • God's instrument


Hannahsprayer2015@gmail.com Hannah wept in anguish as she prayed in the house of the lord and as her soul sought to express the content of her heart her lips moved but her voice was not heard except in the halls of heavens

1st Samuel 1:10 but at the sight of her anguish the priest took notice .

Are you praying fervently for conception to take place in your life, as Hannah was praying for a son see 1st Samuel 1:20

Remember Hannah prayers and know God hears your desperate cry and will answer in Jesus name.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Join Hannah's prayer group on whatapp add +2348038170319 and request to join, the group is strictly for women believing God for the fruit of the womb.