Paranoid Question

Morgan • I have a son born on Dec '15, another son who was born Sept ‘17, and an angel baby born into heaven Nov '14. 💓

So, long story short, I have a 5 month old and I am almost convinced I'm pregnant again.

We were/are not TTC, but I have a blood clotting disorder that strictly limits my BC options, and the option I'm left with (besides condoms) isn't covered even partially by my insurance, so currently saving up the money.

Anyway, back to the point of my post. It makes no sense for me to be pregnant again, to be quite honest, but in the 5 months since my DS was born, I have never experienced this type of cycle.

My boobs have hurt since my fertile week started, I've had watery and eggwhite CM (similar to the CM I had while pregnant) since my fertile week started, and there's always a lot of it (TMI, but sometimes there's so much it actually drips in the toilet), slight cramping the past few days (I'm a week away from my period), I've been very irritable and moody, and I've felt bloated. All of which were signs I was pregnant with my son before I actually knew I was pregnant....

But it makes absolutely no sense for me to be pregnant, or at least pregnant enough to be feeling symptoms yet, because 1) I had a period at the very end of April, 2) we had only had sex the day before my period started and maybe one of the last days I was on it, and 3) yes, I'm sure I had my actual period because it was heavy and even lasted a day or two longer than normal.

Question is, judging solely on the information given above, is there a significantly large chance I could be pregnant, or am I just being super paranoid for some reason this month?

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