Things you should think about if you're sexually active

I just wanted to say.. Even though I had protected sex using a durex brand condom for the first time it slipped off and I had no idea until I was about to change position. That day (20) was not one of my fertile days. Before that we had sex too which was day 13. We did it with another condom that we are used to and before we did the condom on I gave him head. After the condom was on I added spit on my v.j.j then we had sex when I came home I was like shit.. Can pre cum from my mouth enter my v.j.j by my stupid spit??

I started to stress ya'll.. And finally on day 29 it's here..My period. Today is my second day,yep heavier flow..cramps but why am I so happy to see you..?

I started to think..shit what if I got pregnant? Am I ready for that? Hell no. I am 22,young,love fitness..Am I ready for that change? NO! I love studying ,still in school,have no job, love my parents ,they always try to do the best for me. Should I let them down?no?.. I have my life my 3 fur babies and ofcourse my loving supportive boyfriend that loves me a lot and even if I got pregnant he would love our child to the fullest! He loves kidz but even tho he has a really good job as an engineer.still. I still think that as a woman you should think about what you want.Doesn't matter if he's a kazillioonniare.. (Lmfao does that exist? Xd)

But tbh sometimes a woman should think if she's ready or not. Learn to know yourself and love yourself then make a decision. You and your partner being ready for a baby? Well start planning or just wait for it to happen.But dont let your mistakes decide for you :) plan for it in a way that everything that happends fall in your lap at the right time,place ..the right moment.

Control your mind with your brain and not always with your heart ,love your partner like crazy! And take care of yourself ;)

I had to let this out from deep down inside.. Because I don't ever want to abort a child that wouldve been considerd as a mistake.NO .. That made me scared really. The thought of it. ..and youtube videos.

Girls..Ladies..Take care of yourself okay? And to all my females who are on their period.. JUST order that frikkin pizza or grab some chocolate like I'm about to do now lol mwahh!! ❤😘😘