Mom withholding prescription

So I have PCOS, which is a dumb ovarian thing that basically gives me shitty periods and facial hair. It has made me extremely insecure and anxious, and my mom and I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and she prescribed me Metphormin which not only should get rid of the hair, but will also help control my blood sugar (which I have problems with) and lose a teeny bit of weight. It's exactly what I need and its sitting in the pharmacy as we speak, but my mom won't allow me to take it because I haven't tried the "natural" route yet. By this, she means avoiding dairy and sugar and using a progesterone cream. All of this I have tried but nothing works. She's determined to set my body straight without medicine, but it's not doing anything and she's trusting all this information from random websites. I'm 17, and I could have my friend drive me to CVS and I could pick them up myself, but I'd get in a lot of trouble. I would take them in secret for a few months and I know I could hide them from her until then, but I don't know if she would ever find out and if she has the legal right to deny me my meds. I'm so stressed about my problems and I've tried explaining to her that I just need them fixed, but she always ends up yelling at me or hanging up the phone. I don't know how to deal with her. I just want the prescription. What should I do?