Binge Eating Disorder

Peyton • Married to the love of my life 💍 22 💁🏼‍♀️ Vegan 🌱 Artist 🎨 TTC#1🤰🏼They/She
Hey guys, I just recently found out I have BED. I've always OBSESSED about my weight and what I ate, but always just ate a TON. I never knew it was an actual mental issue, until I found and I fit the description perfectly. I was wondering if anyone else has struggled with it or knew anyone that did. If so, I'd like some help/encouragement/ideas. I want to do this without a therapist/psychologist, but of course if I can't within a few months I will go to one (please don't tell me to go to one now, I've already made up my mind). Thank you for reading 💕