I need to say goodbye

On Mother's Day I had a miscarriage with a baby I didn't know I had. I was about a month and a half along. My boyfriend knows, and we've been working past it. But every night I sit in bed knowing I can't do anything for my baby. It keeps me up all night, all I can see when I close my eyes is me on the phone with my doctor crying as she told me what I had just experienced was a miscarriage, and the same response from the next 3. I need a way to let go and to be able to know that somehow this is what's best and that my baby will be safe no matter where they are. I've tried praying, but I'm not religious, I've tried talking about it with my boyfriend but there's a sinking feeling of not being able to say goodbye to our baby that's making me drown right now. Does anyone know how I can somehow say goodbye to little Rebel Ace Campbell? I need them to know I love them with all my heart and that mommy and daddy will never forget them. But I don't know how to go about doing this. Can anyone who's been in this boat with me help me find a way to say goodbye so I know that they will be safe and that the legacy of them won't just be me crying as I had to flush my toilet? Please help me. I'm so lost right now.