Clomid and Provera

Well... I'm not sure exactly where to start...we are on month 26 of TTC. And I have some questions that I'm not sure of the answers! Recently(this cycle) I started taking Clomid and Provera again. And I am confused really, aren't these meant to help regulate cycles or are they just to help ovulate? I ask because my "normal" (lol as if that's a thing with PCOS) cycles are anywhere between 27 days-93 days, and while on these medications I'm currently on day 38 of my cycle and it is all just so confusing!! How do I know when to test?! How do I know if my "symptoms" are BFP symptoms or just my everyday PCOS symptoms?! Sorry, this is getting kinda rant-y but I really would love any and all input or suggestions or advice, it is hard getting so frustrated about my own bodily functions!