Someone please help me

Okay so about a month ago met the guy, his name is Jordan. I was having one of the worst days of my entire life. Everything that could've gone wrong, did. I was about 600ft from my house and my tire exploded, this was the cherry on top. It was around 1am and I had to be awake at 5am. So. Frantically called my dad to ask him where the jack was so I could change my tire. Only to get into a huge argument with him for an hour and then he finally told me. By that time I was so tired and weak that I could listen the bolts of my tire while still arguing with my dad on the phone. Jordan I guess was having a bad day too and was watching all of this happen from his car and then he finally decided to come over and help me. I was so busy arguing with my dad and telling Jordan what to do that when it was all over. I didn't even say thank you. So because I felt like such an asshole and I didn't properly thank the knight who saved me. I wrote him a thank you card and put it on his car with my apology and thanks and my number. Telling him I had a beer or shot or whatever he was into for him.  He texted me about a week later. So for that whole week, we were hanging out every night and either I would spend the night at his hour or he would spend the night at mine. He would cuddle with me and he mostly texted me first. The first time we spent the night I came over and it was like he already expected me to spend the night. But then at the end of that week, he woke up that morning and told me that he thought we should stop spending the night at each others houses because "every time he gets a girl involved in his life he ends up hurting her because he is so focused on work and getting to where he wants to be that he doesn't have tie for them" and I just said okay and that was that. But he would still invite me to hang out almost everyday and he would pretty much beg for my attention and not to log ago, Jordan, a friend of his and I, we're all studying together and then his friend decided to go home and I was about to go home but then he struck up a conversation and every time I tried to leave he would bring up something else. So then it was like 3am. And he was like "not that you weren't already but if you want to, yo can spend the night" and I asked him FOUR times if he was sure because he had just said no more spending the night. And then two nights ago he asked me to spend the night again. It's confusing me because when we are together he acts like he likes me and he is all over me, like when I spend the night he cuddles me and he will NOT let go for anything. Even if I move away he just moves in closer. And two nights ago in the yesterday morning he didn't want me to leave and I will say that he works a lot like 13 hours a day, but now I'm the one who had to text first. So my question is, what the hell does he want from me?, and what do I do? Should I keep trying to talk to him or no?