Why is my baby crying while eating?


My sweet baby boy is 7 weeks old. We have been on 3 different formulas now and have added rice cereal to this formula. For about two weeks everything is great, then all of the sudden he hits a wall and starts madly crying during every bottle. He will drink about 3 gulps then start wailing. We settle him down and whole process over until I get a few oz in him and then I give up. We do that for a few days until he starts refusing to eat, Then we will change to a new formula (per pediatrician ) and we have a new baby for about two weeks until we hit that wall again. This time instead if changing formulas the pediatrician told me to add a bit of rice cereal. Worked perfect for a week now he is screaming again. Anyone else have this problem?

P.s. he is a happy go lucky baby until he eats.