A baby changes a guy 💪🏼

So upon finding out my boyfriend and I were pregnant he has been way more sweeter, way more opt to doing things for me, and even gets comfortable enough to stay holding us at night, he usually can't sleep towards me because of his back so I normally cuddle him. He got a job that pays 11/hr, first pay check he said he's opening us a joint bank account. He said he's going to start saving for EJ. 
When he woke up to get ready the first thing he did was come to my side toss the blanket off me and said "good morning beautiful" gave me a kiss and proceeded to look at my stomach and say "and good morning baby's" and kissed all over, it tickled but I refrained from using force to get him to stop because it was so precious.
I'm happy and excited about our little one or ones (he's hereditary for twins 😍 and it also runs in my family as well)
Anyone else's guy get this excited to know your carrying his child? 
I love, love stories 🙂🙂🙂