Breastfeeding or formula - can we all just support each other as moms?

I'll admit it - before my son arrived I was a total all out breastfeeding snob. I'll only breastfeed. I'll do it for at least a year. Formula is gross and full of chemicals, I would never give that to my kid. Well life has a funny way of making you change. My son was diagnosed with a milk allergy last week at 7 weeks of age. I was told to supplement with hypoallergenic formula as I attempted a dairy free diet so he could breast feed again. I went through and still am struggling with a variety of thoughts - my body failed me and my son, what's supposed to be so healthy for him is making him sick, I'm making him sick ... Which led to should I just give up and do formula only (I asked my pediatrician that and he said no he needs breast milk). But what about what I need?  Sanity and a healthy and happy child who isn't screaming after every feeding bc he's in pain. But then again I being selfish and not doing what is best for him just bc giving up dairy is going to be a huge lifestyle change and adjustment for the next year?  I still haven't made a decision - I haven't breast fed in a couple days to let my body detox a bit and while I'm glad my son is happy again I also wonder if I'm giving him the best nutrition and worry about Iong term effects. Friends weigh in - some are mortified and tell me horror stories about bad reactions to formula ( super helpful thanks) and others tell me to just give up and go to formula. Some encourage me to not to use the formula period and continue breastfeeding (fine you come console my son when his tummy hurts and he's screaming). My husband will support whatever decision I make. But the point of all of this is no matter what a mom chooses for HER child can we all just be kind and support them? Can we say good job you're feeding your child and keeping them healthy?  I don't know ultimately what decision I'll make - but I just ask for support when I make it.