Should i leave today and never come back??

My boyfriend is extremely controlling and has major trust issues. I'm not allowed to have a phone, but he is. I'm not allowed to be on his phone to do my school and if I do cause I do it anyways he calls me a bitch and yells at me and starts a huge argument. He hates it when I talk to my mom on the phone and through texts (she's 5 hours away cause I moved from SC to NC to be with him). He has put his hands on me pretty bad one night he was drunk. He's getting more violent. He won't allow me to dress up. Hates when I put makeup on and do my hair. Won't allow me to have any sort of social media. Won't let me speak to my best friend who's been my best friend for 7 years! And trys to keep me away from all my family. Never wants to go visit my mom, there's always an excuse. He accuses me of things everyday. Won't let me go anywhere by myself. Won't let me work and if I did work he would constantly accuse me of talking to other guys. This isn't even everything but I think its enough. I'm sick of this. And last night I got ganged up on back him and his grandma telling me to leave and I called my mom and went outside and he said he was going to lock the doors and his GMA said "yeah and turn the porch light out too!!" (It was 1am). I know what to do. Just needed to vent :/