Judgmental MIL? Am I alone? Lol

So I just want to vent. Does anyone else's MIL show up unexpected at times and your SO just acts like it was okay without telling you? What if you weren't in the mood for company? I just feel like if my house isn't clean enough or something she always makes it a reflection of how I'm not taking care of her son well enough or something. And my whole point is that I'm not his mother and my job isn't to take care of him! I'm his wife and we are here to support each other. If the house isn't clean that'snot  just a reflection on me. It's also a reflection on her son but A lot of older women don't see it that way I guess. And I just wish he'd give enough warning for me to clean or actually clean himself knowing I don't like the criticism. 
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Omg yes. So you know what's even more awkward? Well I told my husband how I don't like her just stopping by all the time during the day, so he told her. So now she just comes by and leaves things on the front porch. Like today, she left wood polisher and a rag on the front porch so I could polish the front door so it doesn't crack in the summer sun. The other day she left a pack on Ensure on the porch because she says my husband needs to gain weight. She used to come by and water the yard, (without telling me mind you) I'd be sitting in the living room with no pants on and just see her walking in the yard by the window! Like really? So he told her to stop going in the backyard, but she'll still come by and sweep the front porch and walkway. I mean, I guess I can't complain because I got my way, like she's not ringing the door and asking to come in and I don't have to make small talk with her, but it's just awkward you know? 💁


Amber • May 19, 2016
Yeah I feel ya. I used to get upset about it too, but I guess it doesn't really bother me that much anymore because my husband thinks she's crazy and overbearing too. So instead of him defending her, it's something we just suffer through together and can joke about. He's not really a mama's boy


Tiffany • May 19, 2016
Yeah, but it's the POINT of it all. It's like she HAS to imply that you aren't doing everything you should be doing. At least, that's how I feel when my mil does things JUST like that. She has actually bought my husband ensure before, too.


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My mil is EXACTLY the same! She drives me INSANE!


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My mother in law would see something in the yard or house she didn't like, want fixed, or cleaned to her standards and would call my husband bit ching at him until he fixed it. Or she would just show up with his dad and have his dad do it. It was so annoying!! When we first moved in together his house was a pit and I cleaned up spotless. With the exception of the bathtub because it's very old and is stained. She went and hired a cleaning service to cone to my house because she didn't think I did a good enough job. When the ladies got to my house they didn't know what to do because everything was clean. I told them why they were there and told them to just clean the tub and dust because they wouldn't find anything to clean. All three of them were shocked she had done that and told me how sorry they were. It was embarrassing and annoying. We finally had to cut his parents off it got so bad.


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My mil is awesome. She would never butt in, and if she only offers her opinions if I ask for them. If she criticizes me, it's never to my face (if she has, I mean I'm not perfect).


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Gahhhh sorry you're going through that love, go through that myself; only she always comes up and manages to find me when im by myself in the kitchen or doing the laundry or something and begins talking about my husband and i having children. -_- lol just comes with territory i suppose lol