Bloody Mess

So today I got home and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I took off my clothes without even looking at them and threw them in the hamper. During the shower I was very distracted singing along to some good tunes, I didn't really pay attention to much. After the shower, my boyfriend had gotten home and we proceeded to having some really good sex. When we were done, I got up to put on some black basketball shorts and looked at his white shirt (which in the heat of the moment he forgot to take off) I asked him what the big red stains on his shirt was. He looked at it, shrugged, and said "Probably just some dried up blood from football practice". Later on, I went to the bathroom to grab the laundry and I noticed a big red period stain on the underwear I had just used today. Putting two and two together, and having never experienced or wanted to experience period sex (because it seems like something that would be gross to my bf) I squealed. My boyfriend came and asked me what was wrong so I told him almost in tears, apologizing. He started laughing and hugged me saying it was fine. Needless to say, I think it was the best sex we've had in a while.