Elective cesarean?

Has anyone ever had an elective c section?  If so, what was the reason?
I recently found out I am GBS+, and I am concerned that there may not be enough time with my labor to get the antibiotics. I am already almost completely thinned at 36 weeks and have been dilated the past few weeks. My baby seems to be taking more after my husband's side of the family, and I am thinking I may have a quick l/d for my son.  I also am easily prone to infections, and my younger brother contracted GBS from my mom after birth and was hospitalized in NICU with pneumonia and almost died and there are some long term effects of it. My husband and mother (and me) are wondering why take any of the risks with GBS if they could do a c section?  I know there are risks with cesarean but now I am a little paranoid about being able to get to the hospital in time or if the antibiotics will work, especially since this has been an issue for a family member of mine.