I want/don't want to be induced!

Tammy • Me and my DH have been TTC for nearly 4 years now. We have 2 beautiful children already, a boy and a girl, and would love one more addition:-)
I was induced with my last child after carrying him 3 weeks over and hated it. I couldn't eat or walk or even go pee. This time I want to get induced due to a uterine prolapse which is a 3rd degree prolapse at the moment. (Basically my muscles are not holding my insides.....inside.) my cervix is raw and bleeds and I am on bed rest till my due date on June 10th. This means nothing at my husband works a 14 hour job and I am a stay at home, homeschooling mother of a 5 and 8 year old. There is no such thing as staying in bed. I am not only in constant pain but also risk infections due to the prolapse ...I will be 37 weeks tomorrow. Do you ladies think I should ask about induction?