Just diagnosed with PCOS

I just saw a RE for the first time, we are at month 16 of TTC.  Per my irregular periods, elevated DHEA, weight gain and the amount of follicles in my ovaries (17 in one and 20+ in the other)- I have been diagnosed with PCOS (she's confident that it's a "mild" case, as my testosterone levels and insulin levels are perfect). I also have a large septum (had a failed removal surgery with my OB in March); she had a hard time with figuring out the size of the septum on ultrasound, so wanted to go over it and an MRI I recently had with another specialist. They may recommend another go at surgery. If surgery is a go and successful then I will move onto clomid. If it's not an option or unsuccessful she recommends using a surrogate. So now it's blood work and waiting for a decision on surgery. This TTC journey has been a battle...