Misscarrige story

Finally feel ready to talk about it so I wanted to share my misscarrige story with all you ladies. I took a test on December 23rd 2015 as had missed a period, couldn't quite believe what I saw..bfp! I was scared and so excited at the same time as the pregnancy was not planned. I rung my fiancé straight away to share the news and we couldn't wait to become parents. We kept it secret and told all our family on Christmas Day and their reactions were priceless! (Something I will never forget). January 25th 2016 was also a day I will never forget, the day I started to bleed. After 2 trips to the hospital they finally gave in and scanned me like I had begged I was laying on the bed shaking grasping hold of my fiances hand the whole time..then I heard the news I so desperately didn't want to hear..all they saw was a sack (meant to be 8 weeks pregnant), they told me to wait a week and to come back to see wether the baby was developing. Sure enough by the time I had my next appoiment I was bleeding heavy and misscarrige was confirmed. I had to go back 2 weeks later for a d&c to get rid of the retained product due to a infection. At this point (3 weeks of bleeding) I was exhausted and couldn't wait for it to all be over so we could ttc again. Only this time it's not been as easy to fall pregnant..
4 months on we are still ttc our rainbow baby but no luck as of now.