Clomid and trigger shot

Hey Ladies!! So we have been TTC for 4 years now with 7 miscarriages. I had a surgery to fix one problem, but we think because of that surgery (on my uterus) it caused me to not ovulate normally. So this month my doc started me on Clomid. I went in today to have an ultrasound and had 3 follicles that measured 24mm, 26mm, and 28mm so my doctor asked if we wanted to do the trigger shot to be sure I ovulate. We went ahead and did the trigger shot, now we try tonight and tomorrow then wait. I am praying for a BFP and a healthy child! However, I was wondering if anyone has gone through clomid and the trigger shot before, or any information y'all have :) success rates, and of course if you had three mature follicles (like myself) if y'all had multiples :)