Could I be pregnant ---period question

Hey girls, 
This is my first post, 
So just wanted to see what y'all think. 
I have had my period since I was 11 ( 10 years ago) and it's so predictable same day, every month. So the last few months it's been the 6-8th when it's starts and it's usually 6-7 days long and very heavy. 
So this month it stated on the 10th but was done by the 12th but more concerning to me was there was barely any bleeding and it just looked super light. ( I usually have to use the heavy tampons but I didn't even need any this time around!) should I be concerned or does it change after the length of time being so consistent? Me and my boyfriend are very sexually active and we only use pull out method. Could I be pregnant, or am I just freaking out?