Baby Kenadie🎀💕😍

Krysta • 💏 `09 👶💜 `16 🌈👶💜 `19 👶💙 `20

Kenadie Ann💕😙

Born 5.19.16 at 9:10pm.

We checked in for our induction around 6:45am and I was still 2cm 90% effaced. They started my pitocin drip around 9:30am, and I got an epidural around 11:30am. By 5:30 pm I was about 6 cm. I laid on each side for close to an hour and dilated the rest of the way quickly! After 1.5 hours of pushing and through a worn off epidural she made her appearance at 9:10 pm weighing 8lbs exactly, 20 3/4 in long ♡ there was quite a bit of meconium in her lungs so they whisked her away to the NICU, luckily daddy got to join! And finally at 1:20 am the proud daddy himself wheeled her into my room with the biggest grin! She's now doing wonderfully, breastfeeding like a champ, and is absolutely daddy's spitting image♡

So happy for our first child to go smoothly and be such a healthy little peanut 🤗😙💕 my husband was a champ cheering me on the whole time and making sure I was as okay as I could be during labor, he's always my hero😍❤😏