I think it's time to divorce.....

My husband and I (common law, so slightly less complicated) have been having a rough time. It's been rough the entire time we've been together, but it never got better, it just gets worse.
My areas of concern-
1) he is not very considerate. He doesn't take the time to think about me before making a decision or comment. All of my decisions are made with him and his two kids in mind. 
2) he doesn't value or listen to my opinions. He refuses to back down from differing opinions until I am either crying or screaming or I change my mind to his way of thinking. With him there is no "agree to disagree." 
3) he had repeatedly made jokes about "training me," which I find so offensive I want to smother him. I am not a fucking dog. I am a fully formed adult. I am my own person.
4) when he is upset over ANYTHING he withholds affection/attention/love, something I have told him numerous times is considered emotional abuse and I am NOT ok with.
5) he is less intelligent than I am, yet feels the need to constantly talk down to me and mock explain things to me like I am a special needs puppy dog. 
6) he got extremely drunk last weekend, was physically aggressive with me, and then when I left, spent the next 8 hours sending me horrible abusive texts until I finally snapped and said, "you asshole, enough is enough, YOU hit me! YOU were so fucking drunk YOU blacked out."
7) he is insensitive to me and my needs or feelings
8) he insists on having access to the GPS on my phone, which I hate
9) he is selfish in bed. His needs are ALWAYS met, IF my needs get met, great, but it's also fine if they don't.
10) I'm not happy.
11) I don't know if I believe therapy and counseling would be enough to fix how he loves me.