Baby fever for 2yrs then nothing.

For most of my life i thought i was put on this earth to be a mother. I wanted to wait til i was 25 to start a family i always thought that was the "perfect" age to start a family. Well,i quit smoking,started eating more vegetables i even cut out caffeine. But then we had to make some repairs on our house that cost a pretty penny. My husband got cold feet after that so i told him we could wait a few months til we save up a little more money....2yrs later he finally agreed as long as didn't put pressure on him (what ever happens happens) its been a year and nothing so i went to the obgyn got blood work and an ultrasound and found out i have cysts and high testosterone. They think i have pcos. So they put me on birth control for 6months (I'm on month 2) when i go off the birth control in August my dh and i are supposed to start ttc in September but honestly as much as having a baby consumed my life for so long I'm not sure if i want to anymore. I've grown used to our quite life together. I keep going back and forth do i or don't i want a baby? I'm so lost right now. Oh and to make matters worse around the time i found out about the pcos my friend/ coworker got pregnant so now all we talk about is her pregnancy. I love her and i support her no matter what but i think I'm on baby overload!