What else can go wrong..


Medical issue rant, I am falling apart and I can't deal anymore

Slipped dics protruding into my sciatic nerve, literally ruining my life, I can barely do anything without being and pain, I was supposed to get surgery but my new doctor is making me redo physical therapy (my 4th time) and I failed my physical fitness test today because I collapsed in pain, and then had a panic attack and threw up, so I have to retake it now.

Depression meds keep getting the dosage changed so I am sick to my stomach constantly and have headaches 24/7

My hypothyroidism/ hashimotos disease medication makes me have hot flashes and shake constantly, plus I get dizzy and lightheaded and have to sit down. I am out of breath from walking across the room.

I physically and mentally cannot deal with anymore. I am 21 and cannot do anything without being sick or in pain.