His mom from hell

Lynn • I'm happy and love my life.

I am not a hateful person at all but my boyfriends mom is making it so hard for me not to hate her. I could care less about the lies she makes up about me because I know there not true. What pisses me off is when she's saying it to my boyfriend to get us to break up including dragging my parents into her lies as well. Enough is enough. I'm almost 8 weeks pregnant and I don't need her causing stress for me or my boyfriend. Thank goodness she doesn't know yet about me being pregnant because that would stir up even more lies about me. She's taking things for example before I moved back home I stayed with a friend. I was separated from my ex husband at the time. My truck was having problems and was in the shop I lived 30 miles from work. My friend lived a few blocks from both my jobs. Because my friend is a guy she automatically assumes things went on between us. Now he is a good friend but nothing personal I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole. On top of that he's my parents age and I'm not exactly into that kinda thing either. Now I sure in hell didn't see anyone else line up and help me out when I needed help and I sure and he'll wasn't going to ride with my ex husband because the last time I did he tried to hurt me. But she takes that and twists the truth around to fit her needs on breaking us up. I told my boyfriend today that his family is more than welcome to be in our child's life but she is not. He told me I can't do that. I'm sorry but she puts him through hell all she cares about is herself and making everyone else misirable. She's been caught in tons of lies. My child is going to be put first and I'm sorry I don't need it's grandmother telling my child after its born that my boyfriend is not it's daddy when he is. I want her out of my life 100%. I'm so sick of her and her crap.

Sorry I needed to vent and get it out because she makes me so mad.