To month old and just had a miscarriage 6 weeks after birth.


Hello ladies, I am new to this app and I'm looking for friends who are in the same situation that I am in.

My name is Amanda and I just gave birth to a baby girl on State Patrick's Day she stayed in the NICU for 4 and a half weeks. I had her at 37 weeks because of low fluid and she had an air bubble outside of her long and it took her little while to learn how to suck a bottle. I've fortunately I was not able to breastfeed. My husband and were both going through postpartum depression... we used a donor to conceive her because our first son 9 years ago was born with Down syndrome. So the first time we had sex after she was born, I conceived naturally to our surprise !!

The test got darker then lighter.. I went to the doctor and my HCG was 14 and I went back 48 hours later and it was 6. The doctor confirmed that I had a miscarriage. The doctor said that it was most probably because my uterus was still healing from the C-Section I had with her.

We were shot that after 10 years of trying naturally that he got me pregnant and we lost it.

We do want a 3rd. child...

If there is any ladies out there who would like to go on this journey with me. I would gladly except and appreciate support. I am a certified to Doula and I have a Sexual Wellness store. I am very informative on conception... after my son was born, all I did was learn and learn and learn about the human body and the reproductive system in males and females. Its very interesting and I'm full of information that I am willing to share.

I'm looking for to hearing from some of you ladies.