Dreams while pregnant!

I'm really never one who dreams ever, maybe it's due to my lack of sleep even while pregnant, joys of insomnia. But 2 weeks before I found out I was pregnant I had a dream that my grandmother whom passed in 2010 was talking to me about my pregnancy. We'll long story kinda short, I am not almost 18 weeks, we find out the gender in 2 weeks, and last night I had a dream. I dreamt I was at my grandmother's house before the remodeling hold a newborn infant, naked in hospital swaddle blanket and hat. I never referred to the child by the names we have picked out. My grandmother told me to dress the child before it got sick, well I went inside and unwrapped the blanket and hello penis! Idk if my late grandmother is trying to give me a sign and tell me what our baby is. Any thoughts ladies???