What position do you think my daughter is in?


I know that she is sideways for sure (I'm 29+1, so not worrying yet!)

But she likes to lay so that I have one bump below my ribs on my left side and one bump below my ribs on the right side. And then there is an almost hollow spot in between. (Like my stomach feels like an S)

I can't figure out how she is doing that for the life of me hahaha she also pushes out on both sides so I can't even tell which is her foot or hand/head.

She's a goofball already. ;D

I haven't had an ultrasound since 21 weeks (and I don't believe I'll be having another one unless complications arise) so I'm just dying to see her and know what she's doing in there!

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If there is a hollow space in between the two bumps, she is more than likely posterior (her back is against your back). If she was facing forward you would feel her back as all hardness along your belly. My son is transverse (sideways), too...or at least he was at my appt last week and it's hard for me to tell exactly what position he is in by feeling on my own. I hope our kiddos move!!


Maggi • May 23, 2016
awe! due date buddies! haha


Anna-Grace • May 23, 2016
thanks! you too! :) we are exactly the same far along. 29w1d


Maggi • May 23, 2016
me too! I'm 4'10, so this little one is going to run out of room fast and I don't know if she could or would run out of room so that she couldn't turn anymore! we will see! good luck :)