Any vets out there?!?!

Lele • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧mom to two beautiful daughters 10/25/16 & 6/13/19👧🏼Two angel babies👼🏼 08/18 👼🏼 09/18
So we have a 1 1/2 y.o yellow lab and he has been notorious for ear infections. He has one that hospitalized him in January. We have not let him swim since and only bathe him once a month and put protection in his ears to keep the water out and clean his ears twice a month. 
Current situation: 
We had noticed out pups poop about 5 days ago becoming soft poop again. Not diarrhea, but soft. It was like that for a long time so it didnt really throw any red flags up. Then 3 days ago he started getting really needy with me and tripping me up and laying with me all the time. I thought maybe he was sensing the baby finally. Then yesterday afternoon I noticed he was laying around a lot and not so active. He still would play, but clearly lethargic. That night he just did nothing. Just payed around and looked sad so I took his temp. It was 103.3 and usually runs normal about 101.5-102. So I checked it again before bed and it was 103.4. He ate all of his dinner, drank plenty of water and went potty like usual. We had him sleep in his crate so he wouldn't get to warm and put a fan on him. This morning his temp was 103.6, he was a little unstable and clearly lethargic. He ate his food again without an issue, drank some water and went potty. He pee'd and has a small solid poop. My husband said he just took two large soft poops around noon. 
His stomach isn't swollen or hot and I don't feel any kind of abnormality. He is just running a fever and lethargic. We have an appointment for him tomorrow night, originally for shots, obviously not getting them while he is sick but still bringing him in. Could you give me any clue as to what might be going on with him? I have been very stressed this week and am 17 weeks pregnant. Could I be affecting him? He doesn't have a runny nose or eyes, no cough or sneeze, he hasn't vomited or had diarrhea. Just lethargic and a fever. What do you think? Anyone else dealt with this? We lost a puppy we rescued years ago to parvo ( he already had it when we got him) and fought very hard to save his life but he died a miserable haunting death and now we get very scared when our baby gets sick. Any help would be so appreciated. Thanks in advanced!!