Daycare- increased feedings?

My daughter started daycare this week, she's 12weeks. At home she would eat every 3-5 hrs during the day. If my husband would give her a bottle of my milk, she'd drink no more then 3oz. So far at daycare she is drinking 4oz every 2hours! I am pumping at work 3x, but I'm not producing enough since she has never eaten every 2hrs with me, and  my body isn't used to that. I'm already going into my freezer stash. Is this normal for her to eat so much more & frequently? She is having a very rough time at daycare as well, barely sleeping & crying (she won't sleep during the day unless being held, & arms in swaddled which daycare can't do, so it's a rude awakening for her). I feel terrible she's having a rough time & terrified I'm going to have to supplement formula due to her eating like this. Everything I worried about her going to daycare has been a reality, I'm just so heartbroken for her & worried about my milk.