What is for the best?


Hey all.

Ive not long got out of a violent and emotionally straining relationship.

The guy asked me to "choose" saying if i "have an abortion theres a chance we will work" "if i keep baby then nothing"

He made every attempt to scare, bully and force a termination. Drowning my dog, telling people i raped him and just being really nasty. Ive had threatening messages from his mom and told he would rather be paralysed than have a child.

I have had to flee my home and am in a hostel till futher notice as his a risk

yet im posting on here as.

I cant help but feel like im in the wrong for wanting to keep him away from baby when its here.

I was thinking of writting to them but my family tells me im waisting my time as he will just hurt us.

I only want what is best for my child

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