Fairlife chocolate milk?

Almost two years ago my husband and I took a trip to the world of Coca-Cola in Atlanta and it was there that we first tried, and he fell in love with, Fairlife chocolate milk. He's always loved chocolate milk but since that day Fairlife is the only chocolate milk he will drink. He frequently drinks an entire liter by himself in one day. Since being pregnant I've found that I actually really like it as well. Sometimes I'll drink a single serving bottle in the morning to replace my coffee. I know chocolate milk doesn't have much caffeine in it, maybe 5 to 10 mg per 8 oz., so I'm not worried about that but I am worried because a lot of nutritionist frown on Fairlife due to the fact that the lactose is filtered out and extra protein and calcium is added. We are currently on vacation and non of the grocery store we've been to have the single serving bottles so we got a liter and I've nearly drank all of it after only 2 days. Yesterday I had three classes and I'm kind of afraid that it might not be good for the baby. I can't find anything online regarding Fairlife milk and pregnancy so that's why I'm posting on here to see what you guys think.