Giving Birth to a White Baby?! 😱

Last night I woke up in a cold sweat from the strangest dream. 
I was in a delivery room surrounded by my dutiful hubby and a team of frantic doctors. Apparently I was pregnant (not current the case) and ready to push out our firstborn. 
After pushing for what seemed like forever, I finally gave birth. I should have been thrilled, but the baby they handed me was WHITE!!! 
Like blonde haired, blue eyed and Caucasian White. I woke up in a panic. 
Why would I have a dream like that??
Background: I'm Black. My husband is White. I love babies of all colors, genders, ethnicities, religions, etc. Plus I've never been preoccupied with how our kids will look. 
So what gives? Any ideas? Do other biracial TTCers have these dreams?