Am I exaggerating?

I had sex on April 20th. My period was due April 28th. I got my period on the 24th (a few days early). Everything was fine. I know I wasn't pregnant but now, my period hasn't come. My cycles are about 31 days long so I'm 1 day late. I'm really worried even though I got my period last month. I think sex makes your period come earlier and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm also experiencing PMS such as bad cramps, sore breast, eating more, and feeling moody and a little tired. Yet I haven't been peeing crazy (like pregnant women) I haven't spot (like the implatation spotting), my back doesn't hurt or I don't feel exhausted or I'm not craving anything. Maybe I'm stressing too much over it, but I'm sure I'm not pregnant. What do you think? Should I be worried? Or wait a little more because stress is delaying it? Also we used condoms and he didn't cum inside them. Please help me