New borns cant be spoiled lol

So I made a post yesterday about babysitting while pregnant & 3words out of my WHOLE post said " baby is spoiled " ... So, out of my whole post a LOT women seem to only have focused on those 3 words & decided to add there Typical comments on how a Newborn cant be spoiled, how they need love and attention or how i need to do my research! Lol it was funny to me .. Because first off i kno how much attention a newborn baby needs , ANY baby needs special attention.. I dont need any other human or Google to tell me how to raise or treat a baby!  & i know for a fact holding baby all day everyday creates a spoiled baby.. My sister holds her baby while she's sleeping , eating, or just up chilling.. JUST ALL day period & wen it comes time for her to wanna put baby down baby cries , she picks her rite back & she stops 👀 lol one woman even said she only cries w me because she misses her mom ! Like NOOOO she only cries w me when i put her down & when I pick her back up she's perfectly fine ... Idk wat you guys call tht where your from but we call that spoiled this way.. & idc who doesn't like it lol if baby is dry , fed & burped there is no reason she shouldn't want to lay down for at least 2 mins; i just wanted to express my feelings on tht since it obviously made a LOT of ladies feel some type of way 👍🏾