Pregprep and preseed?

I haven't been on here for a while. We took a break but we're back. I bought pregprep wich has fertilprep that has nac in it- like robitusin to break chest congestion up  thins mucas. And a bunch of fertility herbs like primrose oil in it. And vita prep that has 1000 iu  of vitamin d, 600 mcg folic acid and 100 mcg of b12 in it. Anyone who has had more mc and been trying over a year use these and it work? Been trying almost 3 years and have had 5 mc the last was in February 2015. I was 8 weeks. All our tests came back normal except when I ovulate ,75% of the time I release a premature egg and not the one that's ready or almost ready. The doc sad the mixture of vitamins will give them what they need to mature like they should. What worked for you cause I hope I didn't waste my money.