Young Mommies Out There

VIIXXXIMMXVII🎀💕 • FT young mom & dad to a Babygirl born July 31st,2016 @ 39w. 6lbs even 19in long. ❤ She has changed our life before making an entrance🙌 Thank God for all we have :)
I'm 17 years young pregnant at 30 weeks with my first child my daughter. It wasn't necessarily planned but I'm forever grateful for this bundle of joy. Me and her daddy are so so excited and happy to meet our baby. He has a great paying job and I work part time well still going to school finishing up next year to graduate. We have our own home and vehicle all on our own. Both sides of the family support us. I'm just trying to say NOT ALL young moms are bad moms like people MAKE them out to be. Anything is possible. And again your situation and circumstances say a lot also. Goodluck to ALL mommies anx expectant mommies tho (:GodBless!!