Pregnant but off topic

I am 32 weeks pregnant and I have a 4 year old that will be starting pre k  this September . We have no family or friends where we live . We had moved out of state. We have been trying to get our daughter out more so she can get used to others . For example we will take her to local fairs and things like that on weekends and playgrounds . A couple of weeks ago she was at a playground and was playing with some other little girls her age . She hugged one and then kissed her arm. She totally freaked the little girl out . Me and hubby were so embarressed and apologized and left . We explained to her she can't touch other people and etc.  well just yesterday we were at the local fair and she was playing on the playground with another little girl and all of a sudden before I could get up and off the bench being 32 weeks pregnant she kissed the little girl in the cheek!!!! I was mortified ! The little girl ran to her dad that was talking with his group of dad friends and said someone kissed her . He asked if it was a boy . She said no a little girl and he said well then don't worry about it . We tried explaining to her again she is to only kiss her family and not to touch strangers but I don't know if she's getting it . I'm terrified she's going to do this in pre k and it's stressing me out and I really shouldn't be stressing over this since I'm pregnant . Any suggestions from other mamas on what to do to make it clear to her she can't do these things?