Outdoor concert @34 weeks turns bad

Went to a concert last night with my SO, outdoors and the weather was great. I paid extra($25) to be in the gated off area in front of the stage so we didn't have to push and shove to get a good spot..

Well I guess they didn't sell enough front pass tickets and they opened it up to anyone who had purchased one of the vendors beers ($5) so it ended up with a bunch of drunk people pushing, shoving and being rude and loud. My SO stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me as the main band came to stage. 2 women scooted in front of me, spilled beer on me in the process and both elbowed me in the stomach while they were dancing/twerking/whatever the hell you call it. I don't know about you, but my stomach is very sensitive now that I'm pregnant, any kind of pressure on it hurts or makes me nauseous. They didn't stop or turn around and apologize. I scooted past them with my SO and got closer to the stage at an empty spot. It was going fine for 20 mins but a couple guys to the left of us got rowdy and started a fight and shoved a 6'2" 200lb+ man into me, pushing me to the ground and him landing on top of me(SO fell too)

I was so damn angry and literally hurt that I just left the concert. Fuck that. I woke up sore in my stomach & pelvic region but my baby kicking like normal so I'm not worried.

TL;DR: have you had a bad experience like this while pregnant? Have you had obvious disrespect from strangers while pregnant?