Induction story - success! (Cooks catheter + Pit+ Epi)

I was scheduled to be induced on 5/26 but it got pushed back to 5/27. The reason for induction was medical.
(I'm a FTM)
5/27::When I checked in at 7pm, I was 0cm dilated, 70% effaced and very soft. I was going to take oral misoprostol to start the process but because I was having contractions, they ruled that out. 
At 10pm, the next shift doctor checked me and I was 1.5cm dilated. She then told me my option was to have a cooks catheter inserted (like a foley balloon) to help dilate me further- safe method because it was mechanical and didn't involve meds.
 I requested Fentanyl to help take the edge off the pain because I am a huge wuss! The insertion of the cooks was done in 3 mins and I didn't feel a thing. After it was inserted, I had some period cramping but nothing too bad. It's supposed to stay in for a max of 12 hours unless it falls out first. 
5/28:: went for a walk in the morning, and had cooks cath removed at 11am. At this point I was 5cm dilated and pitocin was ready to be started. After the cooks was removed, I started losing my mucus plug (so much!). Went to lay down in bed and the next thing I know, my water broke! That's when the action started. My contractions became intense! I labored for 2.5 hours before asking for the epidural. 
At 5pm, epidural was placed and took effect by 530pm. Pitocin was upped because after the epi, my contractions started spacing out. Not sure how much they upped my dosage but I wasn't feeling the contractions. Getting an epidural was a trip - when they say you are numb from the hip down, you really are. It was the right decision for me because my pain tolerance sucks. The epi also made it possible for me to sleep. It didn't really take on my left side but that was a blessing in disguise because I could feel contractions before the monitor registered them which helped in pushing. 
Doctor came by at 11pm wanting to check me and I told her I wanted to rest for another hour. 
5/29:: final cervical check done at 1215am; I was 10cm, fully effaced at +3 station. Pushing started at 115am. Pushing was NOT easy- it took me some time to get into the rhythm of things. After 1 hour of pushing, baby girl was born at 2:20am. I had a second degree tear and some other minor lacerations. 
Super long post but I wanted to share my positive induction story because I was so worried I would end up with a c section! Hope this is helpful for anyone getting induced.