
Interesting how people get so irate about a gorilla getting killed but when blacks (HUMANS) get killed for no just cause, everybody turns a blind eye and act as if black people are insane for getting upset that their children and husbands are being killed unjustly by the hands of the people that are supposed to protect and serve the communities. People can see how unfair it is for a gorilla to be killed when he's dragging a toddler around and causing him bodily harm or a lion to be killed when he's ripping a man apart but somehow when it comes to your humans doing something as simple as driving and not using a turn signal, they deserve to die. Sad world we live in. #blacklivesmatter 
And please stop with the ALL LIVES MATTER because if they did , you would care enough to fight against injustice and cruelty, the same way you do for an animal. 
Reading these comments, it's sad how many people think this post is about race. It is about humanity. And how people choose to turn a blind eye to the social issues going on right in the front of them. People choose to think black lives matter is about saying that no other race of people matters except black lives. How ridiculous is that ???  That's how insensitive this world is. BLM is about us mattering enough to stop unjustly killing our people and Stop oppressing our people. Not sure how you felt as though it meant no other lives matter. It shows how self centered the world is. Somebody made a comment that said Maybe if people stop shutting down and listen , maybe change could start happening. I couldn't agree more. To think Black lives matter is something to segregate means that you aren't paying attention or caring to listen. 
And just to clear up that this is not me comparing blacks to gorillas. How stupid is that ??? Once again it is about humanity and how people care more about animals than their fellow colleagues dying unjustly in the streets. I know people will read this and think its complaining. And to the people that have done so, I can say that I hope one day within your ignorance you choose to put the defenses down along with your pride and ego and listen to the cries that come from others surrounding and understand that it takes a nation of people to make a change and when you keep ignoring a problem and acting as if it doesn't exist.