Is 2nd baby ready yet?

So I am having my 2nd baby and due June 15th. I am still working and going on maternity leave at the 39 week mark. I am really really hoping this baby boy is born at or by 39 weeks. I am a Certified Nursing Assistant in a nursing home and still working full time. Last pregnancy I went on leave at 38 weeks and I was actually dialated 3cm by then. I had my daughter at 39 wks and 2 days. This pregnancy i am feeling a bit worried that this little boy might be late. As of my last check up a week ago, I was not dilated at all. My next appt will be Friday and ill be 38 weeks and 2 days then. Just hoping I've progressed some by then. I'm seriously on my feet running around all day long so I feel I should be super close by now. I know each pregnancy is different but anyone else feeling a bit discouraged? I'm staying active and even trying squats now throughout the day to get things going. Just hoping this time will be faster since I've heard 2nd babies are usually born quicker and things progress faster.