TTC with boyfriend


Here's a quick overview of our life. I'm 21 and he's 28. We've been together since early November, moved in together in December, and now are actively trying to conceive. We both have suffered some sort of pregnancy loss with past relationships, and had a chemical pregnancy this past weekend.

I'm mostly scared of what people will say about me/us. Since we're not married yet. But we want a baby before marriage, so they can be part of the wedding. *Not the only reason for wanting a baby. We just think it would be so stinkin' cute to have our child be a ring bearer, flower girl, to watch as their mom and dad be wedded, and to see how much love we have for one another and for them* Or that we haven't been together long enough to have a child together.

We have so much love to give and would be absolutely over the moon to have a baby of our own. We have nieces and nephews and love them all to death, but we want our own to love and cherish.

So I guess what I would like to know is if anyone else is in a similar boat? Young, unmarried, but actively TTC?