Am I cruel.....


Okay so we've been TTC for around a year now, I am paranoid like crazy that there is something wrong with me - both my parents struggled to have me and had years of <a href="">IVF</a>. My doctors told me it isn't likely my parents troubles would effect me and that I should keep trying to near on 2 years before they refer me for blood tests etc.

So now our very close friends of ours have decided to pay for a holiday for us next year, and we are also saving for a morgage (we rent now and will need to move in 2 years when landlord sells) as much as I want a baby I do accept we should wait have the holiday and try to get a house first.

BUT I don't want to go back to the doctors for any method of contraception - I want them to think I am still trying so I can get help if needed sooner than later. If I go on the pill say for a year they will then want me to try for another 2 years after before referring me for tests etc and I don't want to have to wait that long.

So the only option is using condoms. But partner isn't keen as usual men say it takes the sensation and overall pleasure away from sex. So we've not been using anything..... am I cruel to say actually I don't want to go on birth control I want to use condoms?