Broken spirit


I'm currently 23 weeks pregnant.

My daddy passed away after a long battle with cancer just 2 months before I found out I was pregnant. My mom and I are constantly fighting and she is so manipulating that she just has me so confused and hurt that I just don't know what to do any more. My obgyn recently put me on medicine for depression. I feel like I'm literally losing it! I cry all the time and I'm so broken and down that some days I just want to die. But then I remember my baby is counting on me. Then I feel like I can't enjoy my pregnacy bc I'm so hurt and constant turmoil with my mom and still grieving the loss of my daddy. I've drawn away from people so much that I just want to stay home not be around anyone ever except my husband. Then I feel like a crazy person for feeling this way. Ugh I'm such a basket case right now and I don't know what to do.