Which one is more accurate?


I work with a girl who is due sometime between December 25th and December 30th. She argued with me that the dating scan isn't accurate and last missed period is more accurate (which I really doubt honestly) So I was just wondering what your experiences were!

My LMP made my due date end of July sometime, but my dating scan made it august 7th. We weren't trying for kids so there were only two times we could have gotten pregnant. (November 5th and November 13th!) At 21 weeks she was in the 76th percentile and my Funda height at 28+4 was measuring 30 weeks (which I know isn't always accurate)

I'm really not concerned at all, she will come when she wants to! But this girl has been driving me INSANE about her pregnancy. She constantly says she's showing since she was 8 weeks (she is on the bigger side and very bloated) but she says that her uterus moved up higher sooner because it's her second kid... I don't think that's how it works lol I know second time mom's do show sooner.. but you can tell she is bloated and not baby right now.

She argued with me earlier that she's practically in her second trimester (which she is close) but said it's 12 weeks and I said that I've always heard between 13 and 14 weeks (but depends on the doctor) and i think she was offended because of it. It's not just me that she's been driving crazy (so I can't completely blame the hormones hahaha) she has been driving everyone crazy saying she can't do things because she's pregnant. I'm 30+3 now and did everything from the very beginning. (It's not a hard job lol)

Sorry for the rant! It's been a long 3 weeks since she found out hahaha

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