So weird.. What do you think??

Okay, so I went go check down there, so I put my middle finger in to check my cervix, and I couldn't tell if I felt it or not but my whole middle finger had to go in, so I don't know if it means if it's high or not but once I checked it was super warm, and wet.. I've always got my period on the 1st except for the past 2 cycles. 2 cycles ago I got it on the 30th, the second I got it on the 4th. So I'm guessing I'm getting it this week, but normally is be dry down there and it wouldn't feel super warm. When me and my boyfriend had intercourse he said it felt really warm, and it's never been like that before. I've been having pregnancy symptoms so I don't know
If it can be due to pregnancy .. But like I said down there is still wet, it normally get really dry a weeks or so before period and it's been wet ever since I ovulated, and it's been super super warm for about 2 days.. My cramping has been so weird lately.. instead of cramping I just get pressure if not I cramp on my right side instead of left.. Can this be due to pregnancy or period ??

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