Frequent urination... Anyone?

I posted this in general by no one ever comments on my posts 😩
Okay, so I'm just curious.  How early can this happen? I think I ovulated 24-26 (one of those days) so I'm only 8,9 or 10 dpo. AF isn't due until 6/10, so I know it's really early. But the past few days I've been peeing at least 15 times a day. I realize that people will trick themselves into thinking they have symptoms but you can't really trick yourself into peeing, can you? I mean you get the feeling you have to pee.. And so you do & it's a normal stream. There's no trickery in that, right? 
Anyone experience this really early on and get a BFP? Or even a BFN? Just want to relate experiences. Thanks !