Thought my husband would be more understanding and on my side.😢

Just a little about myself my husband and loss two pregnancies first one at 10 weeks and the other at 5 in 2015. My husbands friend girlfriend is having a baby and has a baby shower today. A few weeks ago my husband told me about it and I said to him that I really didn't want to go being what I recently went thru through last thing I want to do is see or think about anuth8ng baby related. At first he said fine we don't have to go and now he said hes going with or without me. So if he goes and I don't that would make me look like a button hole but at the same time I don't want to go. I told him why dosent he just explain to his friend how I feel and just still at least get a gift, but he said hes not doing that. Today is not my day